Wtx ~ Wt Extension Library
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NWtxWitty extension library
 NCoreFunctions and features
 NCrmContact Relationships Management
 NActivityActivity (things that happen)
 NCompanyCorporation Types
 NCustomerBusiness Entities
 NGroupBusiness Entities
 NPersonHuman Types
 NPrivateInfoPrivate Information
 NDboDatabase access objects
 NEmlEmail Management
 NLibLibrary functions and resources
 NLookupsCombo-box lookup items
 NSysSystem Namespace
 NAuthAuthentication Tables
 NConfigConfiguration Settings
 NGroupShared relationships
 NLogConfiguration Settings
 NLookupLookups (things for combo-boxes)
 NQueueConfiguration Settings
 NUserApplication level users
 NBlogEntryWeb-Based Diary of sorts