Wtx ~ Wt Extension Library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NWtxWitty extension library
 NCrmContact Relationships Management
 NDboDatabase access objects
 NEmlEmail Management
 NLibLibrary functions and resources
 NSysSystem Namespace
 CClientFolderClient Folder
 CTableViewTable View
 CTableViewDefTable View Definition
 CTemplateFormViewTemplate Form View
 CAddresseeEditAn edit field for an email addressee
 CAttachmentAn email attachment
 CAttachmentEditAn edit field for an email attachment
 CCalendarDayCalendar Day Widget
 CComposeExampleMain widget of the Composer example
 CComposerAn E-mail composer widget
 CContactAn email contact
 CContactSuggestionsA suggestion popup suggesting contacts from an addressbook
 CLabelA label
 COptionA clickable option
 COptionListA list of options, separated by '|'